
Date Description Category Author Study No. Download
11/04/2014 FirstLight files Meetings Minutes regarding Study No. 3.1.1 Geology FirstLight 3.1.01 Download
10/16/2014 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan for Entrainment of American Shad Ichthyoplankton at Northfield Mountain Project Aquatic FirstLight 3.1.01 Download
10/15/2014 FirstLight files Initial Study Report Meeting Minutes and Attachments for Study Nos. 3.1.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, and 3.3.16. Initial Study Report FirstLight 3.2.01, 3.2.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.7.03, 3.8.01 Download
09/16/2014 FirstLight files Study 3.1.1 Full River Reconnaissance Geology FirstLight 3.1.01 Download
09/16/2014 FirstLight files Study 3.1.2 Updated Study Report, includes consultation record Geology FirstLight 3.1.02 Download
09/16/2014 FirstLight files Updated Study Report Summaries Geology, Water Quality, Hydraulic, Aquatic, Terrestrial, RTE, Recreation, Cultural, Hydro FirstLight 3.2.01, 3.2.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.7.03, 3.8.01 Download
09/16/2014 FirstLight files Transmittal Letter of Updated Study Report and notifies stakeholders of 9/30 and 10/1/2014 Meetings Geology, Water Quality, Hydraulic, Aquatic, Terrestrial, RTE, Recreation, Cultural, Hydro FirstLight 3.2.01, 3.2.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.7.03, 3.8.01 Download
04/13/2014 FirstLight files Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Project 1990 Field Sampling Program and Impact of Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Facility on Atlantic Salmon and American Shad Aquatic FirstLight Download
02/21/2014 FERC issues Study Plan Determination Letter on Aquatic Studies FERC Determination FirstLight 3.2.01, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19 Download
02/13/2014 FirstLight letter to Narragansett Tribe and Nolumbeka Project- request to consult on TCP and ethnographer Cultural FirstLight 3.7.03 Download
12/21/2013 FERC issues Scoping Document 1 Scoping Document 1 FirstLight Download
12/02/2013 FirstLight files Summary Report on 2013 Activities under the Sediment Management Plan for the Northfield Mountain Project Geology FirstLight 3.1.03 Download
09/13/2013 FERC issues Study Plan Determination Letter on Non-Aquatic Studies FERC Determination FERC 3.1.01, 3.1.02, 3.1.03, 3.2.02, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.7.03, 3.8.01 Download
08/28/2013 MDEP files comments on Revised Study Plan Geology, Water Quality MDEP 3.1.01, 3.1.02, 3.2.01 Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix I- Quality Assurance Project Plan for Sediment Monitoring Study- Revision 2 Revised Study Plan FirstLight 3.1.03 Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix F- Turners Falls Upstream Fish Passage CFD Modeling of Gatehouse Entrance Revised Study Plan FirstLight Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan Revised Study Plan FirstLight 3.1.01, 3.1.02, 3.2.01, 3.2.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.7.03, 3.8.01 Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix A- Study Request Letters Revised Study Plan FirstLight Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Transmittal letter for Revised Study Plan Revised Study Plan FirstLight 3.1.01, 3.1.02, 3.2.01, 3.2.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.7.03, 3.8.01 Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix C- NRCS Chemical and Physical Soil Properties Revised Study Plan FirstLight Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix B- Stakeholder Comments and FirstLight Responses Revised Study Plan FirstLight Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix D- 2013 Full River Reconnaissance Study and Quality Assurance Project Plan Revised Study Plan FirstLight Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix H- Stakeholder Comments on Updated Proposed Study Plan Revised Study Plan FirstLight Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix E- Previous Data and Information on Adult American Shad Revised Study Plan FirstLight Download
08/14/2013 FirstLight files Revised Study Plan- Appendix G- 2011 Cabot Station Drawdown Juvenile American Shad Stranding Study Revised Study Plan FirstLight Download
07/12/2013 MDEP files comments on Updated Proposed Study Plan Geology, Water Quality MDEP 3.1.01, 3.1.02, 3.2.01 Download
06/28/2013 FirstLight files Updated Proposed Study Plan, which includes: Appendix A: Study Request Letters Appendix B: Resource Comments and Concerns Appendix C: NRCS Chemical and Physical Soil Properties Appendix D: 2013 Full River Reconnaissance Study and Quality Assurance Project Plan Appendix E: Previous Data and Information for Adult American Shad Appendix F: Turners Falls Upstream Fish Passage CFD Modeling of Gatehouse Entrance Updated Proposed Study Plan FirstLight 3.1.01, 3.1.02, 3.2.01, 3.2.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.8.01 Download
04/15/2013 FirstLight files Proposed Study Plan (Part 1), which includes: Appendix A: Study Request Letters; Appendix B: Resource Comments and Concerns; Appendix C: NRCS Chemical and Physical Soil Properties; Appendix D: 2013 Full River Reconnaissance Study and Quality Assurance Project Plan; Appendix E: Previous Data and Information for Adult American Shad; Appendix F: Turners Falls Upstream Fish Passage CFD Modeling of Gatehouse Entrance; Appendix G: 2011 Cabot Station Drawdown Juvenile American Shad Stranding Survey Proposed Study Plan FirstLight 3.1.01, 3.1.02, 3.2.01, 3.2.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.8.01 Download
04/15/2013 FERC issues Scoping Document 2 Scoping Document 2 FERC Download
04/15/2013 FirstLight files Proposed Study Plan (Part 2), which includes: Appendix A: Study Request Letters; Appendix B: Resource Comments and Concerns; Appendix C: NRCS Chemical and Physical Soil Properties; Appendix D: 2013 Full River Reconnaissance Study and Quality Assurance Project Plan; Appendix E: Previous Data and Information for Adult American Shad; Appendix F: Turners Falls Upstream Fish Passage CFD Modeling of Gatehouse Entrance; Appendix G: 2011 Cabot Station Drawdown Juvenile American Shad Stranding Survey Proposed Study Plan FirstLight 3.1.01, 3.1.02, 3.2.01, 3.2.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03, 3.3.04, 3.3.05, 3.3.06, 3.3.07, 3.3.08, 3.3.09, 3.3.10, 3.3.11, 3.3.12, 3.3.13, 3.3.14, 3.3.15, 3.3.16, 3.3.17, 3.3.18, 3.3.19, 3.4.01, 3.4.02, 3.5.01, 3.6.01, 3.6.02, 3.6.03, 3.6.04, 3.6.05, 3.6.06, 3.6.07, 3.7.01, 3.7.02, 3.8.01 Download
03/01/2013 MDEP Study Request Letter- requests two studies- sediment transport and water quality Geology, Water Quality MDEP Download
02/28/2013 Transcript of 1/31/2013 Cumulative Effects Scoping Meeting Scoping Meeting FERC Download
02/28/2013 Transcript of 1/30/2013 Morning Scoping Meeting Scoping Meeting FERC Download
02/28/2013 Transcript of 1/31/2013 Evening Scoping Meeting Scoping Meeting FERC Download
02/22/2013 FirstLight files Draft Study Plan to Conduct Instream Flow Habitat Assessments in the Bypass Reach and below Cabot Station Aquatic FirstLight Download
02/05/2013 FERC letter to Narragansett Tribe Cultural FERC Download
01/25/2013 FERC response to Summary Report on 2012 Activities under the Sediment Management Plan for the Northfield Mountain Project Geology FERC Download
01/22/2013 FirstLight files Long Term Monitoring Transects in Turners Falls Impoundment Geology FirstLight Download
01/17/2013 FERC staff notes on attempts to engage the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and Narragansett Tribe Cultural FERC Download
01/08/2013 FirstLight files report: Freshwater Mussel Survey in Connecticut River for the Turners Falls and Northfield Mountain Projects Aquatic FirstLight Download
01/08/2013 FirstLight files report: Riverbank Erosion Comparison along the Connecticut River Geology FirstLight Download
01/08/2013 FirstLight files report: Analysis of Erosion in Vicinity of Route 10 Bridge Spanning Connecticut River Geology FirstLight Download
01/08/2013 FirstLight files transmittal letter of four reports Transmittal Letter FirstLight Download
01/08/2013 FirstLight files report: Aquatic Mesohabitat Assessment and Mapping Aquatic FirstLight Download
12/21/2012 FERC Notice of Scoping Meetings on 1/30-31/2013 Notice FERC Download
11/30/2012 FirstLight files Summary Report on 2012 Activities under the Sediment Management Plan for the Northfield Mountain Project Geology FirstLight Download
11/14/2012 FERC sent letter to consult with Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Cultural FERC Download
11/08/2012 FERC sent letter to consult with Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Cultural FERC Download
11/05/2012 FirstLight files Notice of Intent and Pre-Application Document NOI/PAD FirstLight Download
09/25/2012 Proof of Notice placed in Greenfield Recorder Newspaper re: Site Tour of the Turners Falls and Northfield Mountain Projects on 10/4-5/2012 Notice FirstLight Download