Details on the Headers


Date:            Documents [including those not filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)] are presented in chronological order. The documents are primarily those filed by FirstLight, FERC, and MDEP. Any FERC filings marked “Privileged” are listed but no file is provided for download. MDEP received the Privileged documents.

Description: High level description of each document.

Category:     Each document was categorized by its “resource area”, in the case of study reports or “other”. The study resource areas include: Geology, Water Quality, Hydraulic, Aquatic, Terrestrial, Rare, Threatened and Endangered (RTE), Recreation, Cultural and Energy. Other documents were categorized as: Scoping Document 1, Scoping Document 2, Scoping Meeting, Proposed Study Plan, Updated Proposed Study Plan, Revised Study Plan, FERC Determination, Meeting Minutes, Response to Comments, Draft License Application, Final License Application, Amended FLA, Process, Agreement in Principle, 401WQC, Settlement Agreement, or Boating Study.

Author:         Most documents were authored by FirstLight or FERC. Correspondence with the MDEP or the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) is also included.

Study No:     Each study was assigned a Study No. (if applicable). When searching for a study report, please enter the number listed in Table 1.