
Date Description Category Author Study No. Download
05/01/2018 FirstLight files Study 3.3.15 Sea Lamprey Spawning, Addendum 1 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.15 Download
05/01/2018 FirstLight files Study 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum 3, Reach 3, Mussels Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
05/01/2018 FirstLight files Study 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum 2, Reach 5 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
05/01/2018 FirstLight files Transmittal letter of Study 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study and 3.3.15 Sea Lamprey Spawning Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01, 3.3.15 Download
05/01/2018 FirstLight files Study 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum 2, Reach 5 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
05/01/2018 FirstLight files Study 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum 4, Sea Lamprey Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/19/2018 FirstLight transmittal letter and RMC Report, Emigration of Juvenile Clupeids and Their Responses to Light Conditions at Cabot Station, Fall 1993 Aquatic FirstLight Download
04/13/2018 FirstLight files response to stakeholder comments on Study 3.3.19 Ultrasonic Array Response to Comments FirstLight 3.3.19 Download
04/06/2018 FirstLight files response to Study 3.3.3 Juvenile Shad Passage Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.03 Download
04/06/2018 FirstLight files report: Harza RMC 1993 Report, Downstream Passage of Juvenile Clupeids, 1992 Aquatic FirstLight Download
04/06/2018 FirstLight files report: RMC 1994 Report, Downstream Passage of Atlantic Salmon Smolts at Cabot Station Aquatic FirstLight Download
04/06/2018 FirstLight files report: Harza RMC 1992 Report, Downstream Passage of Juvenile Clupeids, 1991 Aquatic FirstLight Download
04/06/2018 FirstLight files report: RMC 1995 Report, Log Sluice Passage Survival of Juvenile Clupeids at Cabot Aquatic FirstLight Download
03/16/2018 FERC Additional Information Request on Study 3.3.3 Juvenile Shad Passage Aquatic FERC 3.3.03 Download
03/15/2018 FERC rehearing denial on Study 3.7.1 Archaeology Cultural FERC 3.7.01 Download
02/28/2018 FirstLight files letter seeking delay of Study 3.3.3 Juvenile Shad Passage with MDFW support Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.03 Download
02/26/2018 FirstLight files update on Study 3.7.1 Archaeology Cultural FirstLight 3.7.01 Download
02/23/2018 FirstLight files status update on licensing Status Update FirstLight Download
11/06/2017 FERC notes to record re: discussion with Cowasuck Band Cultural FERC Download
08/23/2017 FirstLight files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study in Reach 5 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
08/23/2017 FirstLight files Transmittal Letter for Study 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
07/28/2017 FirstLight files Study Report 3.3.20 Northfield Entrainment, Addendum 1 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.20 Download
07/28/2017 FirstLight files Transmittal letter for Study 3.3.20 Northfield Entrainment Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.20 Download
06/30/2017 FirstLight files Dewatering Protocols at Upper Reservoir Geology FirstLight 3.1.03 Download
06/30/2017 FirstLight files Transmittal letter of Upper Reservoir dewatering protocols Geology FirstLight 3.1.03 Download
06/27/2017 FERC issues Determination Letter on Studies 3.3.10, 3.8.1 FERC Determination FERC 3.3.10, 3.8.01 Download
05/30/2017 FirstLight files response to stakeholder comments on 5/1/2017 reports Response to Comments FirstLight 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03 Download
05/11/2017 FirstLight files Additional data for Study 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study and 3.3.15 Sea Lamprey Spawning Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01, 3.3.15 Download
05/01/2017 FirstLight files Transmittal letter along with reports Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01, 3.3.02, 3.3.03 Download
05/01/2017 FirstLight files Study Report 3.3.2 American Shad Passage, Addendum 1 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.02 Download
05/01/2017 FirstLight files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment E2 Errata Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
05/01/2017 FirstLight files Study Report 3.3.3 Juvenile Shad Passage, Addendum 1 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.03 Download
04/26/2017 Cowasuck Band of Pennacook files comments with FERC Cultural Cowasuck Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.1.2 Erosion Causation, Volume II, Sections 1-5 Geology FirstLight 3.1.02 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment E2 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment E1 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment D7 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment D6 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment D5 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment D4 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment D3 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment D2 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.3.1 Instream Flow Study, Addendum Attachment D1 Aquatic FirstLight 3.3.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.1.2 Erosion Causation, Volume III Appendix J-II Geology FirstLight 3.1.02 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.5.1 Wetlands and RTE, Addendum 2 Public RTE FirstLight 3.5.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.5.1 Wetlands and RTE, Attachment MADFW 11B RTE FirstLight 3.5.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.5.1 Wetlands and RTE, Addendum 2 Privileged RTE FirstLight 3.5.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.5.1 Wetlands and RTE, Attachment MADFW 11A Public RTE FirstLight 3.5.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight files Transmittal Letter along with Reports Geology, Aquatic, RTE FirstLight 3.1.02, 3.3.01, 3.3.16, 3.5.01 Download
04/03/2017 FirstLight Files Study Report 3.5.1 Wetlands and RTE, Attachment MADFW 11A Privileged RTE FirstLight 3.5.01 Download