
Date Description Category Author Study No. Download
09/25/2012 Proof of Notice placed in Keene Sentinel Newspaper re: Site Tour of the Turners Falls and Northfield Mountain Projects on 10/4-5/2012 Notice FirstLight Download
08/29/2012 FirstLight letter notifying parties of 10/4-5/2012 site tours (includes contact list) Notice FirstLight Download
07/12/2012 EOEEA response to FirstLight relative to MEPA (not filed with FERC) MEPA EOEEA Download
07/06/2012 FirstLight letter to EOEEA relative to MEPA (not filed with FERC) MEPA FirstLight Download
03/28/2012 FERC Order Approving Revised Sediment Management Plan Geology FERC Download
03/14/2012 FirstLight Response to USEPA comments on Revised Sediment Management Plan for Northfield Mountain Project Geology FirstLight Download
02/15/2012 FirstLight files Revised Sediment Management Plan for Northfield Mountain Project Geology FirstLight Download