Licensing Documents


Document Title Date of Filing Contents Download
Updated Proposed Study Plan (PSP) for the relicensing of the Turners Falls Project and Northfield Mountain Project 06/28/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
FERC Letter Order denying U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's request for a 15 days extension of time request on the licensees' proposed study plan re the TransCanada Hydro Northeast Inc et al under P-1892 et al 06/28/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Information Concerning Request for Noise Study 06/28/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Schedule for Filing 2013 Full River Reconnaissance Report 06/27/2013 Geology and Soils Download
Letter to Peter Champoux from FERC responding to the 3/1/13 letter and the 6/19/13 email discussing the parcel of land that abuts the power canal wall of the Turners Falls Project under P-1889 06/25/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts submits comments on the Project Notification Form (PMF) for Turners Falls and Northfield Mountain 06/21/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments of Fire Chief Robert Escott on effects of low water levels of Turner Falls Project 06/21/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) letter in Support of the Extension of Time Request to Comment Support for Extension of Time Request to Comment on Proposed Study Plans for five Hydroelectric Projects on the Connecticut River 06/19/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
FirstLight Response to US Fish and Wildlife Service Extension of Time Request 06/19/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comment of The Nature Conservancy, Connecticut River Program under P-1892, et. al..Support for the US Fish and Wildlife Service Extension of Time Request to Comment on Proposed Study Plans 06/18/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Letter of Support for USFWS EOT by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and request for extension of time to Comment on Draft Proposed Study Plans 06/18/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Comments in regard to Extension of time request by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to Comment on Proposed Study Plans 06/17/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
NOAA Fisheries comments in support for US Fish and Wildlife Service Extension of Time request on P-1889 Turners Falls and P-2485 Northfield Mtn Pump Storage 06/17/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments of Connecticut River Watershed Council, Inc. under P-2485. "Support for the Extension of time request by the US Fish and Wildlife Service to Comment on Proposed Study Plans" 06/17/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Donald Pugh comments re Trout Unlimited's EOT request to Comment on Draft Proposed Study Plans 06/17/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
USDOI/Fish and Wildlife Service/NEFO Extension of Time Request to Comment on Proposed Study Plans 06/14/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Extension of Time Request to Comment of Proposed Study Plans 06/13/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
June 11-12, 2013 Working Group 3: Recreation and Land Use Resources, Aesthetic Resources , Cultural Resources Meeting Presentation 06/10/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
June 5, 2013 Working Group 2: Aquatic Resources, Terrestial, Wetlands, Riparian Resources Meeting Presentation 06/05/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
June 4, 2013 Working Group 2: Aquatic Resources, Terrestial, Wetlands, Riparian Resources Meeting Presentation 06/04/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
May 22, 2013 Working Group 2: Aquatic Resources, Terrestial, Wetlands, Riparian Resources Meeting Presentation 05/22/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
May 21, 2013 Working Group 2: Aquatic Resources, Terrestial, Wetlands, Riparian Resources Meeting Presentation 05/21/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
May 14, 2013 Broad Overview of All Proposed Studies Meeting Presentation 05/14/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
May 14 (afternoon) and May 15, 2013 Working Group 1 (Geology and Soils, Water Resources, Developmental Resources) Meeting Presentation 05/14/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
FERC Order approving report on existing uses and occupancies of project lands and waters re FirstLight Hydro Generating Company 05/13/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
FERC Public Files Memo: Initial Tribal consultation meeting with the Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island 05/03/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Massachusetts Historical Commission submits comments re the proposed study plan for the relicensing of the Turners Falls and Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Hydroelectric 04/24/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
April 16, 2013 Turners Fall Instream Flow Study Meeting: Study Process Overview Presentation 04/16/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Scoping Document 2 for the Wilder (FERC No. 1892-026), Bellows Falls (FERC No. 1855-045), Vernon (FERC No. 1904-073), and Turners Falls (FERC No. 1889-081) hydroelectric projects, and the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Project (FERC No. 2485-063) 04/15/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Proposed Study Plan (PSP) for the relicensing of the Turners Falls Project and Northfield Mountain Project (Volume 2 Appendix A) 04/15/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Proposed Study Plan (PSP) for the relicensing of the Turners Falls Project and Northfield Mountain Project (Volume 1 without Appendices) 04/15/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Proposed Study Plan (PSP) for the relicensing of the Turners Falls Project and Northfield Mountain Project (Volume 2 Appendices B-G) 04/15/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Schedule for Meetings after formal meeting to discuss Proposed Study Plan 04/05/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Study Requests of Deerfield River Trout Unlimited 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments of Joanne McGee regarding Canoe/Kayaks access on Connecticut River 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments and Study Requests of Kurt Heidinger for Biocitizen School of Environmental Philosophy and Practice 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
The Nature Conservancy Comments on Scoping Document 1 and Study Requests for the Wilder, Bellows Falls (FERC No. 1855-045), Vernon (FERC No. 1904-073), and Turners Falls (FERC No. 1889-081) hydroelectric projects, and the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storag 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comment of Howard Fairman re environmental impacts on migratory fish in relicensing of Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage. 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments on Connecticut River Massachusetts water withdrawal by Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation ( A. Richard Bonanno, Ph.D.) 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
ILP Comments or Study Request of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/New England Field Office 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Connecticut River Joint Commissions Comments on Integrated Licensing Process and Study Request for FERC project numbers P-1904 (Vernon), P-1855 (Bellows Falls), P-1892 (Wilder), 1889 (Turners Falls), No. 2485 (Northfield Mountain). 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments on the PAD, Scoping Document 1, and Study Requests of Connecticut River Watershed Council, Inc. 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Stefanie Krug Study Plan Request for the Northfield Mountain Trail Assessment under P-2485: Mountain Bike Trails Access 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
ILP Comments or Study Request of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments and Study Request submitted by The Nolumbeka Project, Inc, et al 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
FERC Letter to FirstLight Hydro Generating Company providing Identified PAD Deficiencies, Additional Information Requests, and Study Requests 03/01/2013 Pre-Application Document Download
NMFS Study Requests and Comments regarding PAD 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments on Scoping Document 1 for the Wilder, Bellows Falls, Vernon and Turners Falls hydroelectric projects, and the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Project from Northeast Climate Science Center 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comments on PAD, SD1 and Study Requests from Franklin Conservation District 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download
Comment and Study Requests of New England FLOW, American Whitewater and Appalachian Mountain Club 03/01/2013 FERC Scoping/Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) Process Download